The war in Ukraine is disrupting the lives of millions of children, denying their human rights and driving families apart. The situation is particularly desperate for children who lack parental care; and many more are at risk of losing it. An entire generation of children risk growing up without the care and nurture they need.
SOS Ukraine urgently organises volunteers and measures to provide care for children abandoned by their caregivers. They are financially supported by SOS Children's Villages International and SOS Children's Villages in Poland.
SOS Children’s Village states:
“Some 80 children and their foster parents supported by SOS Children’s Villages in Ukraine have been relocated to SOS Children’s Villages in Poland. Efforts are now underway, in cooperation with local partner organizations, to provide food, supplies, psychosocial support, and relocation of other children in state residential institutions, as well as in foster and kinship care families. Teams in neighbouring countries, including SOS Children’s Villages Poland and SOS Children’s Villages Romania, are scaling up efforts to receive refugees. In the long-term, we will work with partners to support families to recover and rebuild.”
At the time of writing The GoldenPeaks Capital Foundation is supporting 10 different initiatives within and outside the Ukraine to help relieve the humanitarian crisis there. SOS Children’s Village is a core part of the Foundation’s strategy and we are honoured to contribute to their scaling initiatives.
Click here for further information.